He is always on my mind

12 years ago

tHERE IS HIM THAT I USED TO LOVE SO MUCH , I loved him for 2 years but i never let him know ,and i also knew that when he wass in a relationship with a gurl,he was never serious but then he finally came to know!After about 2 months, he askedme out because he told my sister he really love me and this time it was for real (he was my sister's best friend) i was also assured it was for real because for me , he left the gurl he used to love more than his life . we went out for one month , then we finally broke up & the reason he gave me was that he still loved me but his Dear cousin brother was also in love with me before we went in a relationship , despite knowing that i loved onlyy him and not his cous, all this hapened! now,we broke up and after enormous efforts we became back friends!After loving him so much,all this time ,,i want to forget about him but i can't because im always missing him,he is always on my mind,i see him everyday at school its just so dificult to get over him I really wanna forget him but how?i always have the feeling that its now that he'll call,,everything will be okei again ,i'll be happy again,he'll love me for real & i keep assuring myself that i don't love him buttt i can't just get over him,,whenever i see him spending good time with another gurl , I just get jealous & this can even spoil my whole day :O But why??? i really wanna get over all his , please help me out :x cause i'm just lost!

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  • Pav
    12 years ago

    Hey Loveize,

    This is the right time for you to dedicate a song for him..."RIHANNA - COMPLICATED" i hope u understand what i meant to say.

    Loveize, I am sorry to learn your how your innocent relationship turned out with him. The way i see it, neither you nor your boyfriend is at fault. Some cousin of his just dint care enough to be quite, and here you are missing ur boyfriend n deeply but silently still in love with so called friend! ......

    Lovezie, why r u hurting yourself? he left you even though he knew you are in love with him not his cousin. R you really banking on this person who can just leave you n enjoy with some other girl in front of ur eyes??? is this the person whom you love soooo innocently n deeply? Dont you feel you are kinda loving to just get hurt? while ur ex-bf is happy with some other girl in know time? ...... Excuse me, you deserve better! better boy then him n better love then his. ....Sorry but you must give up on him may be conc

  • Pav
    12 years ago


    you must give up on him may be concentrate on better things ..... Remember you only take him back if he comes running back to you.....n beg/plead his love for you" then only you deserve him. being friends with him will do no good for you. I am not asking you to forget him, i know i might be not possible. but all i am asking you to .....stay away from him ....in school and in ur mind. get busy in studies..or sports or anything interests you.

" "I love you not only for what you are,but also for what I am when I am with you." "


Love Poem - FINE

Author: Britney★★★
Are you a Love Letter? cuz u have FINE
written all over u!