Wedding Planning Tips

The days leading on to mark one of your crowning glories of life (your wedding) should be one of careful and well focused planning. Wedding planning reflecting the multifarious facets of wedding should display a judicious mix of care, concern, and long nurtured wedding objectives.

First and foremost it should be geared to fixing up the‘d’ day. All the couples to be bound by the holy bonds of matrimony would ideally look forward to solemnizing the cherished moment on an auspicious day.

While some approach a crystal ball gazer or a fortune teller, the easier option is to go online. All you need to do is browse through the section on auspicious dates of the current year. You can also have a date chosen as per the dictums of the Chinese calendar which takes into account the birth details of your spouse and yourself.

Pragmatically speaking the choice of date or time should follow your choice of season, availability of the desired site or location and whether you or your partner will be free from the mundane pressures of your professional life.

Wedding planning related to the choice of destination should also be done keeping in mind the aforementioned pragmatic parameters, apart from including the elements of likes, dislikes and preferences. As to which location falls into your scheme of a perfect romantic destination should be given the maximum priority.

Getting your marriage registered is one of the premium priorities as part of your wedding planning because that will ensure a legalized element to the auspicious fold of matrimony. In case you opt for a foreign location, you have to bear in mind the necessary legal bindings of the given location.

Marriage is a social bond to be entered into in presence of an esteemed gathering of invited guests, near and dear ones, relatives, friends, colleagues and others. So the kind of gathering you look forward to should be pre planned keeping in mind your budgetary needs and levels of social interaction.

As far as the cherished vows of matrimony and their renewal are concerned, you should bear in mind the kind of wedding you want; whether you want a church wedding or one solemnized in an outdoor location; whether it is tradition centric or unconventional. Accordingly you can plan out your vows to add to it an element of personalized touch. You may even go for poems to mark the renewal of marital vows.

Shopping for the gown, tuxedo and for that matter a complete wedding trousseau, designing wedding invitations and buying the preciously esteemed wedding ring also belong to the domain of wedding planning.

As part of your planning you may even consider the idea of requesting your guests or near and dear ones to register your honeymoon in place of giving wedding gifts. As an alternative to giving gift, a chosen relative or a special friend may be requested with a mortgage in order to enable a struggling couple give shape to their dream of setting up a nice home.


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