Wedding Invitation

Wedding Invitation is a sample invitation message to show on your Wedding invitation card. Wedding Invitation was submitted by abhishek. Please rate this wedding invitation wording, if you like it.

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Wedding Invitation

User : abhishek
Submitted on : Feb 16, 2016

Dear Friends,
It’s my pleasure to invite you all on the occasion of my wedding
With Shirisha on 28th of Feb 2016 as your clock creeps at 08:00 A.M.
Your presence will really make that day more memorable to my family and me.
Kindly consider this as a personal invitation and make plans to attend the wedding ceremony.
Please grace the occasion with your presence and blessings.

VENUE: 2-21
Vill: Nawabupet
MDL: Chigurumamidi
Dist: Karimnagar
Pin: 505467


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