"Wedding Invitation"

"Wedding Invitation" is a sample invitation message to show on your Wedding invitation card. "Wedding Invitation" was submitted by Vijay Adhav. Please rate this wedding invitation wording, if you like it.

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"Wedding Invitation"

Submitted on : Jan 21, 2015

You are part of our lives please be a part of our celebration of life and our commitment ,we cordially invite you for the wedding of " DIPALI wed's VIJAY" to be held on 29th January 2015,Thursday at 02.15 PM.
Wedding Venue-
'Durga lawn's, Parner Phata,Pune -nagar Highway,
01Feb,2015,07:00PM,Moreshwar soc,Sambhajinagar,near bird
we would be grateful with your blessing and your kind presence at the celebration........
' Please consider this invitation for the wedding
We again request you to join wedding celebration with your whole family,. its very graceful for us'.
Thank you
Dipali Magar.


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