Hai Friends

Hai Friends is a sample invitation message to show on your Wedding invitation card. Hai Friends was submitted by Kowsalya B.E. Please rate this wedding invitation wording, if you like it.

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Hai Friends

Submitted on : Oct 18, 2014

I would like to invite you for my loving sister's Wedding Reception this coming 16th November 2014 At VMK & VMG KALYANA MANDABAM,SALEM near 5 ROADS.
And Its my pleasure to invite you all and No words can express how happy I am for inviting you And to see that smile on your face while you read this.
On this special day of my sister's wedding reception
You are the most expected person to shower them your blessing and wishes
Kindly consider this as a personal invitation. And, make plans to attend the wedding Reception ceremony of my sister Revathi with Kesavan.
We sincerely hope this wedding is more than a celebration Please grace the occasion with your presence and blessings.



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