User : sagila
Submitted on : Jan 18, 2013

"i don't understand"
"why it must be you"
"to be the one in myh heart"
"i have met many people"
"but it must be you eventually"
"who are in myh heart..?"
""LOVE"" is not a coincidence"
""LOVE""can connect you with me"
"there is only the heart that knows"
"you're the one that i've been waiting"
"why it must be you"
"to be the one in myh heart"
"i have met many people"
"but it must be you eventually"
"who are in myh heart..?"
""LOVE"" is not a coincidence"
""LOVE""can connect you with me"
"there is only the heart that knows"
"you're the one that i've been waiting"