User : Sharifa15
Submitted on : Dec 9, 2012

This night I shall dream of your bedazzling blue hair and monkey-eyes.
Wrapped in echoes of your mellifluous hand-music,
I long to sip from your appleful lips.
In my dreams, we fly on the exquisite winged carrot of purpleness -- skimming vast continents of fingers and cows.
The depths of all the oceans of the universe shall never separate our grapes.
Brilliant as runing tos, the seas greet us from afar.
In the twilight we feast on chocolate-coated she
Wrapped in echoes of your mellifluous hand-music,
I long to sip from your appleful lips.
In my dreams, we fly on the exquisite winged carrot of purpleness -- skimming vast continents of fingers and cows.
The depths of all the oceans of the universe shall never separate our grapes.
Brilliant as runing tos, the seas greet us from afar.
In the twilight we feast on chocolate-coated she