Given below is a love poem titled d man i LOVE... If you liked this poem, please rate it. You can also submit your comment about this poem. d man i LOVE..
Submitted on : Jan 5, 2011
Thingz get hARder everytime IM with YOU..
tHingz seem so HARD when your around..
pAIN kEepz KILLING me.. and it fEElz lYk those WOUNDZ wud never be MEND,,
it was jz one RAINY ebning i hd you walking with me but d rest of my life was ruin..
i begun to love you and love you more each day..everytime u care and makes me feel dat im important..
EvEryTime u make me laugh with ur coRnEY jokes,, evErytime to spend one little moment jx to be with me... and all of that makes me think im d happiest girl on earth..
But one day,.. i started to fell being trashed.. being left hanging in d air with d boi i love so much and with out knowing d reason behind,,
As i lookED around d four cornerz of d room,. i'v rEalizEd dat i was so ALONE..
without having someone to lEAn on..
dEn i sEd to my SELf: "d DRAma is OVER!! no more scene to be watch of .. and no more happy ending to expect for,,
Now, as i look at you,, i gUez ur doin fine with out mE.. dAt u can live ur life to d fullest w/o having me to be part of d sToRy..
even though 8'z so hArd mEnding my hEARt sEing u alMost ebriday.., i still wanna tRy,,
..coz.. i think 8z gonna be much hArdEr for mE if i choose to sTay in ur life and jz to feel dat im..
~_nicEAngEL_ d man i LOVE.. was submitted by _nicEAngEL_ On Jan 5, 2011
When I Try To Love You
Trying To Get Close To You
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