Love Poem by khalid aziz

Given below is a love poem titled The Damn Break up. If you liked this poem, please rate it. You can also submit your comment about this poem.

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The Damn Break up

Submitted on : Mar 30, 2010
The night is hot as hell

It's a lousy room in a lousy part of a lousy town

I'm staring at a goddess

She's telling me she wants me

I'm not going to waste one more second wondering how I've gotten so lucky

**I want you** she says

She smells like angels ought to smell

The perfect woman

The goddess
**I need you** she says
*I need you too baby I said*
**But we cant be together anymore
I wanna Break up**
*things got darker and my heartbeat
starting to rise up*
A sudden Door Knock Wakes me up
All wet from sweat

~Khalid Aziz

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