User : arra trisha
Submitted on : May 18, 2010
i FoUnD sOmeOne i caN sHare with mY LiFe
sOmeOne whO will make mE feeL alriGht
sOmeOne whO will hUg me tiGht
sOmeOne whO will ligHt uP mY lOneLy niGhts
i dOn’t knOw what’s gOing oN
yOu aRe giviNg me a deep inFatUatiOn
sO iM pLeasing yOu tO take this aFfectiOn
‘cOz yOur mY LIfe’s oNLy reasOn
wE aRe iN reaLity
bUt still i BeLiEve in FaNtasy
i knOw that yOu’re mY destiNy
aNd all i ever dreaM is yOu aNd me
the FaCt that yOur nOt miNe
oUr stOry with a brOken LiNe
oUr mUsic that dO nOt rHyMe
aNd oUr uNending lOve that never sHine=(
sOmeOne whO will make mE feeL alriGht
sOmeOne whO will hUg me tiGht
sOmeOne whO will ligHt uP mY lOneLy niGhts
i dOn’t knOw what’s gOing oN
yOu aRe giviNg me a deep inFatUatiOn
sO iM pLeasing yOu tO take this aFfectiOn
‘cOz yOur mY LIfe’s oNLy reasOn
wE aRe iN reaLity
bUt still i BeLiEve in FaNtasy
i knOw that yOu’re mY destiNy
aNd all i ever dreaM is yOu aNd me
the FaCt that yOur nOt miNe
oUr stOry with a brOken LiNe
oUr mUsic that dO nOt rHyMe
aNd oUr uNending lOve that never sHine=(