Love Poems - Losing it to him

Given below is a love poem titled Losing it to him. If you liked this poem, please rate it. You can also submit your comment about this poem.

Losing it to him

Poem by : Jessica Crisp
Submitted on : Dec 11, 2009
Sparkling and Gleeming
Staring at me
Soft and gentle
Touching me
Aking and Butterflys
Hurting me
Shaking and wobbly
Shocking me
What is happening iv never felt this way
What is going on who is he rubing me this way
Sparkling and gleeming
His eyes
Soft and gentle
His skin
Aking and Butterflys
My Body
SHaking and wobbly
My butterflys
What is happening iv never felt this way
But im happy im loveing it i love him
losing my veginaty this way

~Jessica Crisp

Losing it to him was submitted by Jessica Crisp On Dec 11, 2009

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