Love Poems - 1ce Upn A Tiem

Given below is a love poem titled 1ce Upn A Tiem. If you liked this poem, please rate it. You can also submit your comment about this poem.

1ce Upn A Tiem

Poem by : Pashalin
Submitted on : Mar 17, 2014
1ce upn a tiem der was a prety princss
nd a pretier prnce
da prncess say
"do chu luv meh"
da prnc say
da prnces cri nd lok hrslf in evl witchs castl nd die
"i ment to sai
i ador chu"
da prnc kil himslf

liek if u cri evry tiem


1ce Upn A Tiem was submitted by Pashalin On Mar 17, 2014

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