So I know this girl and we were friends but now we are not.Then one day she comes up to me at lunch and tells me that this guy named Aman liked me.People always said that he liked me and he said that he didn't but then he smiles.I don't know I should believe heror not, but he smiles at me all thetime and blushes at me.But I don't know if i should date him or not should I believe the girl and date Aman and make the move or not?
11 years ago
just start talking to Aman,and maybe once you two are in the 'comfortable' zone maybe he'll ask you out. And do you and this girl not like each other or do you just not talk? Because if she doesn't like you don't listen to her.
" How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. "
- Anonymous» Love Quotes
Love Poem - En Kadhali
Author: Phoenix babu★★★ |
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Ne Un kalanikalai kuda Pookadai ilthan Vankinai. |