12 years ago
Our relationship is in a "comatose" state right now. It seems that many obstacles have come our way and that is why it seems to be almost no relationship. I'm 1/29/71 and he's 4/25/77. Are we good together and can we survive through these very challenging times?
" Love is a unusual game, either there are 2 winners or none.................... "
- ............. cho2» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Love Is A Feelings
Author: Stephen★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
love feels good you cant take it all at onece. lots of people wil love you. some people sweet talk for love some just be nice. you should share,love,care alot for some one alot.have fun loving till death and after ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |