Stuck between two guys

11 years ago

Okay so there's two guys, they used to be best friends but aren't anymore because they didn't really get along, one guy is Ty, Ty liked me for a very long time, almost nine months, I thought I liked him but for some reason I don't, I've told him twice that I don't like him, but he hasn't given up, he'll compliment me and is always so sweet, I consider him one of my best friends, the other guy is Noah, me and Noah talked for a while and then stopped, for the past month we started talking again and he now really likes me, I'm the first girl he's liked since he broke up with his ex girlfriend last year, he took me to a formal and we had a very good time, but for some reason I couldn't fully give him all of my attention because of Ty, I don't know why but I never want to hurt Ty, but I don't want to hurt Noah either, I'm completely stuck, I can see myself with both of them but I don't know what to do, I love how Ty treats me, but I have more of an attraction to Noah and they way we talk on a hotter level, Ty always keeps it sweet, and Noah knows how to talk a little more smoother, but I don't know, I'm lost, someone help me choose?

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Author: Britney★★★
Are you a Love Letter? cuz u have FINE
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