My name is Sangitha. I am 24 years old.My family is a christian family. Im the eldest in my family and i have a brother and two sister. Im in love with a guy for almost 6 years. He is christian guy also. His name is Daniel and he is 25 years old. He is doing ministry in church like song leading, playing guitar and also involve in all the church ministries. But His father is alcohol addict and always gave problem in their family like fighting and will bit his mother when he is drunk. This problem is going on since he was small. Pastors and chuch leader already talk to his father many times to let go his alcohol but he still never change. This has give a big impact for our marriage. As my parents didn't agree for our marriage due to his parents attitude. Especially my mother din't agree at all. I understand her feeling as she is my mother. Sure she wants the best for me. My mother even put rule's that i can't meet him, go out with him, only can talk in the phone and we follow as she say. But still she is not satisfy. It's very hard for me to take desiscion. Because the mistake is not on Daniel but infact his parents. I can't let go of Daniel because we don't have any problem all these years and i'm happy with him. I dowan to do my marriage without my parent's approval. I really don't know what to do. Pls advice me what should i do as im really so confused.
14 years ago
I guess you need to talk clearly with your parents(which offocurse I'm sure you wud have done by now) ...But then this time , tell them that u are going to Marry Daniel and NOT his father,secondly ask your parents what if the case is reveresed,that means if the guy does not want to marry for some mistake of your father then whose responsibilty it is and who is at mistake. Your father or you??
Ask them to be Practical ... this cannot be done in a single sitting, you need to daily talk to them on this topic ( as girls always do :D) and convince them
All teh Best :) -
13 years ago
hai frnd don't worry u r family acpet u r marrage nega first unga family ku purivenga unalaku avara evlo pudikum, mukiem nu and nega strong erunga unga love la unga amma ku puravinga avar nela var nu and his father is an dinker not a bad man its is not a problem k tell this to ur mother he acpet ur marrage all the best and kandipa unga marrage apram msg panukaga
13 years ago
well i think you must mix and do all the advice we are giving to you in a simple way that your both parents can understand you. explain them your feelings and how ready are you to be a wife of daniel and be sure that you will not stay with daniel parents when you merried coz im sure this is your parents concern about you they dnt want you to suffer same daniel mother. and keep on praying about daniel father to change there is no impossible things to God. or else you can advise to daniel that maybe hes father really need a counseling or rehabilitation. try to talk to daniel about it all and you both decide what to do.
13 years ago
search for another gud handsome guy than him
13 years ago
i can understand wen u feel tht ur love going away fr u
not let him go if u thnk tht u be happy wth tht boy try to talk wth ur mom dad and fr the boy also no i cant leave drinking but there is some med's doc give to leave it u goo to doc and take med and without telling there dad give him after tht he ng leave it so ask the boy coz he leave everh thng fr u....??? -
13 years ago
jus ask ur parents whether thy will accept daniel, if he comes out of the family.. and u need to convince daniel tht u want live seperately from his parents after marriage... if he truely loves u.. he wil consider on tht... but no mom will allow her dauther to live such ppl... as far i feel, ur parents really dont have prob with daniel.. its a problem with his parents.. talk and convince.. best of luck
" Love is not about how many times u say "I LOVE U" but how much u can prove it is true!!! "
- jody mentel» Love Quotes
Love Poem - My First Feeling Of Love
Author: Swati★★★ |
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Love is a beautiful feeling Which I feel wen U hold my hand first time.My Love is my Life.My Life is rough paper without my love, My love has only authority to Write on it.Everyone can Fall in Love.I Love You Jaan. |