
13 years ago

There is this guy in my life for now we are friends, but the things he does when he is with me they confuse me a lot.
He take my photos secretely, he even know my birthday without me telling him my date of birth.
He alwyas want to be with me at least once a week , and sometimes refuse to see him. reason being that i'm starting to fall for this Guy.
He is confusing me with his reactions because i don't know whether he loves me or he just appreciates our friendship.

Please help me to solve this problem.

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  • 13 years ago

    this guy seem to really like you however be careful not to be hurt.guys like it when you play hard to get.

  • 13 years ago

    Da same case abt frndshp

  • 13 years ago

    i think he loves u but cant express his feeling. so talk to him and ask whatever u wanted to knw.

" I would rather be alone than with someone who makes me unhappy "

- Me» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Missing You

Author: Harani★★★★
Its not ur mistake if u cant read d eyes
which cheats u.But its really ur mistake if u
cant read d eyes which loves yo