Tell Me The Way To Get My True Love

12 years ago

I Tell My true Love That "I Love You".But Her Response Was Negative And Some days Later She Smiled At Me! And I Asked Her That"Do You Love Me" And That Response Was Also Negative. What Should I do? Can Anyone Help Me?Pls

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  • 12 years ago

    Take your attention away from her for a while, see how she presents herself. Let her call you, then wait as long as you can to call her back ( no more than 2 days) act cool like someone she just met, like she's just a friend. Lay off the heavy talk and just be fun again! That's when you will see your sweetheart more. After all if she's with you that's what really counts! Actions speak louder than words! :) the heart can read, it feels! Im giving this advice thinking you're a couple...I have a feeling you're not though. Same rules apply but if she's not your gf, after a few weeks go by you might need to chill, it could creep her out and not want to talk to you. Good luck honey! Smiles are more attractive than frowns!

  • DJ
    12 years ago

    I Do What Sandra said But She don't Mind.Sometimes She and Her Friend Look At Me And She Tell Something to Her Friend

  • DJ
    12 years ago

    Is Suicide Is Solution For love Break up pls help Me Some times I thinh That I wany To do THAT pLS HELP mE

  • ...
    12 years ago

    Is Suicide Is Solution For love Break up pls help Me Some times I thinh That I wany To do THAT pLS HELP mE

    Absolutely not a solution!!!! When you're already thinking of suicide in a situation like this..what would you want to do then when it really get tough??!!!! I'm a Christian, I don't think you may take your life.. think about what might be after death!! You know, I tried to kill myself..but God said to me that I musn't do that! And now I'm so glad for all the beautiful things in life He gave me. Think about what you can have!! Maybe she's just not the one for you.. and I now that that sounds easy, but I know it's not!!! But please, promise me, don't suicide yourself! God has so many beautiful things for you left!!!

    Believe me... thinking positive helps!!

    (when my english is not right, I'm sorry, it's not my first language!)

" ''in life ..there is always one special person,,so special,,that no matter what that person does to you just can't let ... " » Full Quote

- stardust el» Love Quotes

Love Poem - I Wish I Was There

Author: Jake Rhea★★★★
The emptiness I feel comes from not hearing
your voice
The life that swirls around me now is just
blank noise
Some people act as if in my leaving I had a ...(Cont.)