Love always leaves a scar

13 years ago

So i love this guy named Riley and i wrote a love letter about him with all my feelings on the paper. My friend sunny read it and gave it to him. He was never supposed to read it. He is in my science class and we sit right next to each other, so the day that he found out that i loved him was the day my heart was torn in half.In science he gave back my letter with two things on it, One of my sentances circled and his opinion on the sentance. My sentance said If i could i would hug,kiss,and never let him go. He wrote one thing that i swore would leave the biggest heart ach forever. He said i would never hug you. iwould opray you never kiss me. i would give everything for you NOT to hold me forever. Im sorry. Now i cant even look at him with that heart ach coming back. i cried for months and months and now? i have one thing. A scar left permently on my heart.

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  • 13 years ago

    i know it really hurts wen you love someone n the person does not know the value of it......... know always that there is something called what goes around comes around as it is the nature of life.......... n aleways know you wil be blessed with a guy who wil love you more then what you loved him........ as you have great heart n that what matters looks n you body shape wil one day get worse but love alwaysremains ......... keep smiling n know you will get what you deserve......... for more problems call me or mail me at [email protected] 8653828598

" you know one thing time is a cheat….when I saw you I thought my time turned great….! I thought there would come a ... " » Full Quote

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I love you lots and lots make the sound of
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