I still LOVE him :( I try to apoligize but that never works i still want him back he took my heart with him!!!!
13 years ago
see i know n he knows u love him very much n thats the truth . but u need to know does he love you or he is jus angry with you for something .......... or is he in love with someone else.... i understand n i know it really hurts but know one thing love wil always b greatful with those who love someone truely.... u will get the person who wil love you forever............ do know u need to have patience n need to know u cant get something back if it isnt yours..... or if that person doesnt want to stay jus know u need to leave him.... cause this kind of things later wil create problem..... for more problems or quieries call me or mall me at 8653828598 or mail [email protected]
" I don't ask for much, because with you i have everything "
- Unknown» Love Quotes
Love Poem - The One
Author: Latisha★★★★ |
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Your the one whos always been their for me. The one who always stayed loyal and true that's why i give my love to you. Everyday you show me more and more how your the one for me and why i will always love you . |