messed up real bad when i first seen briahna she was 12 and i was 14 i told my self i wanted to marry her she was going to be the one but complications came up and she didnt really trust me so i gained her trust and we started talking two years later she was 14 and i was 16. when i turned 17 she turned 15 and we started dationg everything was good until the other girl came into the picture i told her i was in love and the other girl jamie had a finace so we decided to become friend but jamie wanted to be more so we messed around but i felt so bad i didnt know what to do finally briah found out and that was that im now 20 and i still think about her everyday she the one that got away we talk from time to time but i can tell i hurt her bad i really want her to trust me but i know she cant that easy bc what i had done what should i do
" When I look into your eyes, brown like the chocolate you love, my soul suddenly cries, knowing I will feel no love. Then ... " » Full Quote
- John Doe» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Love And Valentines Day
Author: Cheyenne★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
your the one i love, forever and for always, we will be together all of our days, i want to wake up every morning to your sweet face always! to.henry ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |