i like him, n i'm not sure that is it love or wat else ??????
he does care me compared to other gals bt i dont kno dat does he feel d same way like i do ???????
n also i cant express my love towards him ????????
should i wait for him to propose me or sud i leave ignoring al my feelings ??????????
13 years ago
give a try ...once......atleast u wud know wat doezz he thinks???
13 years ago
i'll suggest you find a common friend of yours and ask him/her to express your feelings towards him. make sure this common friend is trustworthy, bcoz in case this doesnt work out, you should not be embarrassed in front of your friends.
13 years ago
I think you should find a her frnd.and told her about himself felling.i sura your broblem wil solve inshaallah.
13 years ago
Try to make him feel happy in ur presence.it should be in such a way so that he should come around u in all aspects.All the best for ur love.
13 years ago
i need to know what is ur age n his age first........ n well if you really feel you always think of him even he is not around then it must b love but try to know what is in his mind........ so for that u need to do this........ jus wen you with him jus tel him so which gal is he intrested in all those gals. which gal does he like in ur group . as you told he does give intrest in u then other gal. then m sure you will know what will b his answer.... n know if he loves you he wil get to u ,. now u try some tricks make him confuse with things . like send him a love card .... with jus his name n a unknow lover . send him flowers ......enjoy this moment n know what really in his mind...... u will love this n enjoy it......... let him get you.......... for more problems jus call me or mail me at [email protected] or call me at 8653828598
13 years ago
just tel him wat ur feeling abt him before that tel him not to mistake u
13 years ago
you shouldnt egnor your feelings butif he is sayin you dnt look like this girl or that girl than honey you should move on because that means he dnt loe u for u and if he is the one then u she be able to be u and feel free and yea she shouldnt have to worry was this a mistake he shouldnt make u feel down about your self and wen he does proposes dnt be afraid to say no or i need time if it doent feel rite but follow that heart of yours
do wat u feel is rite maybe yall should twlk or go some where out
" Love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased. Nor is it etched on stone, for stone can be broken. But it is ... " » Full Quote
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Love Poem - FINE
Author: Britney★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Are you a Love Letter? cuz u have FINE written all over u! |