if u cnt marry pls dnt love

13 years ago

Am a medicos..am n luv wd a guy who has done bca,mba..thru a wrng cl v got intrduce.latr i came to knw tat tey gt ma no frm my clsmte fr chatn.since hs frnd chalngd hm nt easy to lv me he propose nd won.bt he said he truly luvs.i belivd tat also.hs parns hv come to knw abt hs luv.i dono wt tey said wt hapnd.he txtd nt intrstd to tlk wd me.bcos of hm i got totaly distrbd.i lost ma hapines,frns,evrythn nw.i wnt to frgt hm.pls guide me..
guyz. if u cnt marry,if u feel ur parnr wnt acpt,if u dnt hv guts to convince ur parns,betr dnt fal n luv.dnt play n gals life.
u itslf wl nw..thnk deep frm ur heart if u lv smone n marry othr gal it wl nt afct u n nyway.if same thng a gal do wl d world acpt tat.wl d ppl wl b widout blamng her charactr if tey cum to knw latr evn if she s true to hr husbnd..fr ur enjoyment pls dnt do anythng.

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  • 13 years ago

    stl guys r lyk tat.frgt hm.tat s gd fr ur life.

  • 13 years ago

    My friend....
    You are absolutely right...
    Many of the boys do so,,,...
    But i hope a good guy is waiting for you,,...
    Keep search for him....
    One day u will find him....
    Forget about that bloody stupid,,,,.

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I used to ask myself what love is all about.
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