im rose, im inlove with my boyfriend, and he's 8yrs older than me, but despite our age gap, we have a nice flow of relationship, but suddenly we've got no communication and problems started, he started to hide things from me, and he dont even answer my mails and text,. i always say that im very willing to let him go, but honestly it seems that i cant live without him, being away from him makes me weak and in fact my studies were greatly affected, i want to talk to him, but i cant spoke out the words i want to say,. what am i going to do to overcome the pain? and to go on with my life as if there's nothing wrong. i really love him and im very desperate on getting him back on me. please help me, thank you.
13 years ago
Rose u should let him go maybe hes not intrestend on you for some point by the way theres more cute men out there that will not act just like the boy u love alot.
13 years ago
U contact me my id [email protected]
" Love is a unusual game, either there are 2 winners or none.................... "
- ............. cho2» Love Quotes
Love Poem - My Favourite Hippy
Author: Daniel★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Our personalities mesh and mingle, Your voice so soft and sweet, Inside I feel this tingle, I want to sweep you off your feet. Our conversations go on for hour after hour, ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |