I have a crush on a boy. He is my friend right now bt hardly gets any time for me. He don't even reply my texts.I guess my crush is hopeless bt still I want him in my life. Will I get him?
8 years ago
just tell ur feeling and be frank towards him,speak out wats in ur mind
8 years ago
i have a crush before but when my friend tell me the he will enter seminary and become priest and i loose hope because of that
8 years ago
i have a crush his name is Kuya James he's quite handsome white and tall he is an altar boy in the monastery. should i continue to have a crush on him?
8 years ago
i want to be friend to him but he doesnt only his younger siblings are my friends.why?should i give up!
8 years ago
my friend has a crusg he is also an altar boy but now it is just tripping.
8 years ago
i have a crush he is tall quite handsome and thin he loveS playing volleyball and C.O.C.but now i hate him becauz he is now full of pride becoz he is an honor student and he is our class pres.
8 years ago
i have a short time crush i meet him last nov. but now i discard him beacause his siblings already knew the issue.:)
" i'm not afraid to die, but my fear is if i die, who will love YOU as much as i do? "
- Anonymous» Love Quotes
Love Poem - I Love You Lots&lots Like Jelly Tots
Author: Erica★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
I love you lots and lots make the sound of jelly tots , make them mine or make them yours ,make them take the appletrots. We had our blast till the very end we make it tend and spent the tent . Had our spots with the ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |