I dont know if he loves me any more

9 years ago

we have been off and on because of my stupid mistakes but we have gotten back together, but something just doesn't feel right with the relationship, when we had broken up that day he let my best friend give him a hand job and ever since things haven't been the same. i herd that when i am not home he goes and has sex with her and he never explained that that's not true so i don't know what to think. His ex friend likes me and hes always there for me and i am starting to have strong feelings for him but i don't have to hart to tell my boyfriend because he wouldn't let me go the last time he kept calling and he wouldn't stop until he had me back. i need help i am at my breaking point with me and him

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  • 9 years ago

    i think u should say u bf that u have strog feelings for someone and switchoff ur mobile and don't let him to come to ur home don't even get in contact wid ur present bf ALL THE BEST!!!

  • 9 years ago

    i think u should say u bf that u have strog feelings for someone and switchoff ur mobile and don't let him to come to ur home don't even get in contact wid ur present bf ALL THE BEST!!!

    thank you, but i still dont know what to do i am so very lost and his ex friend is so sweet to me and he has been waiting for a change with me, he even changed his lunch for school so he can be with me at the same time i dont know what to do

  • 9 years ago

    Girl, if he's been cheating, go with his friend who actually likes you. Plus you'll be with his friend which will make him sad he ever hurt you.

" Love hurt me... Love made me cry Love caused me pain But i'm still in love "

- Gowthamy Vishwanathan» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Love Is A Feelings

Author: Stephen★★★
love feels good you cant take it all at
onece. lots of people wil love you. some
people sweet talk for love some just be nice.
you should share,love,care alot for some one
alot.have fun loving till death and after ...(Cont.)