hugs and kisses are not allowed

12 years ago

We both loves each other very much ! First few days , he used to hugged and kissed me....but then later he said this is not good for us in this we dont have to hug or kiss each other....he said that kissing and hugging is not the only way to show our love..... I just want him to hug me when I feel im sad,worried or missin him....he never understnd my feelings....he asked me whether Im okay with his decision or not, scared that if i said YES,he would feel something wrong about i said NO PROBLEM to him..but inside of me..i just need him to hug to make him understand my feelings about hugging him....????? pls help me !!! thanx ! We both are just 15 now.... :-)

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  • 12 years ago

    I think you two should sit down and express how the both of you feel about this relationship...and that in a relationship it is two person who makes the decisions...let him know how you feel when he hugs you,let him feel acquainted...suggest ideas that can benefit both of you when hugging so that it does not seems too much or to less.....GOOD LUCK :)

  • 12 years ago

    hey this is common in this age but you must be in limit. in some cases hugs and kisses will turn into a big problem. so tell him that you want to hug him because he is the only guy you can hug without hesitation. if you love that person sincerely then you feel very peaceful when you hug that guy. i think in this age this is only attraction. you can;t love sincerely to any one in this age. so take it easy. take care

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Love is a beautiful feeling Which I feel wen
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