how to come back my love

9 years ago

HI, this is chaitanya..i'm unmarried..i have relationship problem with my boyfriend..we loved so much since 5 yrs..he also loving me alot but he mis understand me for one issue i:e: i talk with one other boy for our jobs,but i told to that person about my family becoz my father is suffering from paralysis i have some family problems so my parants search the matches for me but i love my boyfriend(shiva kumar) very much so,please search a job for him.after that i will told our love matter to my this i told to that person after some days he talk with my boyfrnd(shiva) regarding a job issue..but that job is not confirmed..after a few days i went with my friends for shopping that person also came with us..he bought dresses to my friends but i dont know why he is doing like that and i bought one dress but he pay the money..but i said to him i dont want another money please take ur money back and i gave him money..that shopping matter not told to my boy friend because he feels about ,i hide that matter..after 2 days that person message me like i love you chaitanya,i want this type of girl who knows the family problems,but i know u love ur boyfrnd very much just i'm saying my feeling thats it he messaged me..that message saw by my college friend and she told to my boy friend..he went to attempt suicide..i said him number of times i dont love that person i love you only but he didn't care that words..that unknown person also talk with my boyfrnd and said lie about me she also love me and we went for shopping also you dont know that matter?..he talk like that with my boyfriend..i cried alot i hide that matter becoz u hurt after i say that but i cant done any mistake with him please trust me i love u shiva..but he told me like i trust you alot but you cheat me..and change his number..i said to my boyfriend please meet me once infront ofme and talk with me you dont talk with me on phone come to me i will prove you with that person is pl aying dramas with my life and love.. since one year i'm wa! iting for my lover shiva..i can't live with out him..he could n't respond to my phone,messages,e-mails but im he will change and hw to trust me i'm not contact with that person,and my college friend.. my life is totally spoil but my parents love me and hopes about me..some times i want to die with this problems please suggest me i want shiva kumar in my life..please give a suggestion help me..all are happy at present except me..i want my love please help me? my parents are looking matches for me because my father is suffering from paralysis he lost his job..i have 3 elder sisiters i dont have any brothers to help my love..please help me how can he change and i want to meet and talk him once i cant imagine any one in my life..i want shiva kumar only..give some upayas to change our mis understandings and come with me with love please help me

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  • 9 years ago

    Somehow try to meet him and say everything .. make him believe tat he s d only one whom u need.. god s with you..

" If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever. "

- Alfred Lord Tennyson» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My First Feeling Of Love

Author: Swati★★★
Love is a beautiful feeling Which I feel wen
U hold my hand first time.My Love is my
Life.My Life is rough paper without my love,
My love has only authority to Write on
it.Everyone can Fall in Love.I Love You Jaan.