How Should I make her feel my love?

12 years ago

I live in a small town in India, I have never met this Girl, she is from Indore. we were Facebook friends. we each others existed since 4 years, but we never was close, Everything happened this last 6 months. I have already tried and got admitted to US university, but I was not able to go due to my Visa rejection. So I started my own Business in a small town in Tamil Nadu.

She knows that I was an US aspirant earlier, so she contacted me and asked for help. I supported her in all the processes. I influenced her to Choose one of the best Univ' which I have tried and got admitted. I write her SOP, I wrote Emails for her to her Professor, and It can be admitted that I was an important reason for her to Get admitted in that University.

Till all this were happening, I was not at all in Love with her. Even She asked abt my personal life, we talked abt eachothers life intimately, but we were just friends.

Once day i felt that I miss her, then I just that this is friendship, later when her Visa was approved, and it is confirmed that she is leaving, I totally realized I will be all alone here. Yet I din't proposed her, but I told her that, her thoughts are distracting from my business, so lets not speak for 3 months. She agreed. It was August 30.

On Sep 3rd i called her, to know when she is leaving, and she is leaving the Next day.

Sep 4th Night, I realized that I cannot do this, I cannot restrain, So I proposed her on Sep 5th through Facebook msg, while she was in Flight to US.

On Sep 6th Itself she replied, saying that she respect my feelings, but she need me to understand that she want the feeling to come to her in a natural pace. she don't want to force anything.

Now How Should I make her feel my love.

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Love Poem - Love And Valentines Day

Author: Cheyenne★★★
your the one i love, forever and for always,
we will be together all of our days, i want
to wake up every morning to your sweet face
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