how do i express my love??

13 years ago

i have a crush on a celebrity since 2009. i wanna tell it to him .what should i do

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  • 13 years ago

    Well whos your celeb crush? There are so many ways to tell him. In a letter, on the phone, Do you know him personaly? if you do go up and start a casual conversation and start asking him what is his fav things about you. Then if he says all the things that you like about you (and the things you dont)ask him if he like likes you.

" Behind every girls smile, there is a boy who put it there. "

- Unknown.» Love Quotes

Love Poem - The One

Author: Latisha★★★★
Your the one whos always been their for me.
The one who always stayed loyal and true
that's why i give my love to you. Everyday
you show me more and more how your the one
for me and why i will always love you .