Does he really love me ?

11 years ago

This guy at my place . I think he likes me but he can't tell me or ask me out .How do I know that he likes me by just looking at his actions ?

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  • 11 years ago

    guys are mysterious you never know if you don't take the chance.

  • 11 years ago

    If he is flirting with other girls and then looking back at you with a sort of distant look he is probably either trying to make you jelouse or wishing he were talking to you. Guys are harder to read than women but i do know that all guys like a girl with a bit of a bite, ask him in a strong way such as, " meet me at blank restraunt at 7..." dont wait for a reply and just strut away not looking back if he shows he is in to you if not shake it off and try again a little more subtle

" Love is a unusual game, either there are 2 winners or none.................... "

- ............. cho2» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Love Is A Feelings

Author: Stephen★★★
love feels good you cant take it all at
onece. lots of people wil love you. some
people sweet talk for love some just be nice.
you should share,love,care alot for some one
alot.have fun loving till death and after ...(Cont.)