
11 years ago

sometimes i think what should i talk to her?

on what topic while i know each and everything about her?

please help me

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  • 11 years ago

    tall about things you have in common like if you both like shopping or shoes or boys/girls or cars or monster trucks get her interested Just walk up to her and start a conversation

  • 11 years ago

    Does she know you like her? As a girl my self I find it easier for guys to start talking first. So just say hi, then point out something in the room thats odd and talk about it lol and then the ocnvorsation will go on its self

" Love is a unusual game, either there are 2 winners or none.................... "

- ............. cho2» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Your Love Is Like Ecstasy

Author: Craven Dukes★★★
Drowning in the ocean of you and through the
warmth of the water, your eyes are the only
ones I see.
Your eyes feel like a warm breath taking ray
of light. ...(Cont.)