Does he love me still?

13 years ago

Does my man still love me if he gets mad at me at times and has lots of stress going on in his life?

  • Mel
    13 years ago

    Ya surely. All u hv 2 do is hv faith in love n trust God. U should b more caring,kind,gentle to him during such times. Evn if he scoles u 4 this or that reson do not fight bak, it wud only mk hs condition worst. Bt try to sing a love song insted..a song u both sang or dance together during any special moments u hv hd together ,it wl surely help him 2 b cool.

  • 13 years ago

    Im sure its fine. Every couple goes through rocky times getting through them together is another story. If you know it is more stress related you know he doesn't really mean what he says. Good Luck and i hope you brave the storm xxx

  • 12 years ago

    it depends on if your willing to do the right thing and make it work with him

    from Dylan

  • 12 years ago

    It depends on if you can make it work,if you want to do the right thing and be FATEFUL and try to work things out He's always going to have feelings for you