Love Poem by Rakesh deep

Given below is a love poem titled Heartstrings(Alone). If you liked this poem, please rate it. You can also submit your comment about this poem.

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Submitted on : Oct 25, 2013
&&--## Rakesh deep##

Moving all across ,lonely through the streets;
Watching the love, feelings and
emotions between the people;
Bros and sisters,husbands and wives, and lovers ;

Level of emotions increasing in my heart,
And I just move forward, leaving a tear drop on the path;
Stepping a every footstep with a hope , that some would call me back;
But none of them have seen me as a moving creature.

While walking alone along the path,below the lighting street lamps;
Even my shadow keeps on moving away from me;
But I still keep moving on, so that it reaches me again;

Every tear drop explains the moments that I spent alone,
Every second of my life explains me,how to wipe my own tears;

Living alone ,sharing feelings with myself, switching a smile to the world with a cry inside,
Had become my hobbies.

When I turn the pages of my dairy,
Nothing seemed to be graceful;
Except the empty pages,resembling my empty life.
But I still hold the pen with a hope,
That some one at some time will help me to move on!!!!!!!!!!!

My past made me to learn,not to believe even your close ones;
But it is so hard to walk on with thirst of love and happiness .

And finally...
I start to move on , with a ray of hope,that is making my way along;
Not knowing , will I reach my destination or my end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~Rakesh deep

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