what should i do with my crush?

11 years ago

i like a guy but dont know if he likes me and hes nice to me but dont want to imagine things. i also dont want to make the first move i want him to do it so what should i do to let him know how i feel without making the first move on him? i want to know if he likes me but dont want to ask my friends to ask him for me because he knows by friends and will know that i told them to ask him plus im in the 6th grade so what should i do

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  • 11 years ago

    well you know how a boy acts when he likes a girl but if he acts normal he probably does not like you but don't give up you will find your true love

" Marriage has no guarantees. If that's what you're looking for, go live with a car battery. "

- Erma Bombeck» Love Quotes

Love Poem - She Promised Me...

Author: Hazem al jaber★★★
She promised me...
a phone pealed...
even felt its ring before it peals...
its a was a sweethearts` phone..
run so fast to pick a phone... ...(Cont.)