what should i do with my crush?

11 years ago

i like a guy but dont know if he likes me and hes nice to me but dont want to imagine things. i also dont want to make the first move i want him to do it so what should i do to let him know how i feel without making the first move on him? i want to know if he likes me but dont want to ask my friends to ask him for me because he knows by friends and will know that i told them to ask him plus im in the 6th grade so what should i do

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  • 11 years ago

    well you know how a boy acts when he likes a girl but if he acts normal he probably does not like you but don't give up you will find your true love

" How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My First Feeling Of Love

Author: Swati★★★
Love is a beautiful feeling Which I feel wen
U hold my hand first time.My Love is my
Life.My Life is rough paper without my love,
My love has only authority to Write on
it.Everyone can Fall in Love.I Love You Jaan.