
12 years ago

Hi! My trainer is very attractive. When his colleague saw me training with him, she said that she was involved with him during her marital issues. Also that he was a womanizer. I've been training with him for a month and find him to be intelligent, disciplined, and philosophical. We share same views when it come to spirituality. He's done a few things that has been questionable and I'm uncertain on how to interpret. He's always complimenting me and saying that i listen and make the training sessions much easier. One time he even said- that's my girl, to me. There was a day that i showed up to work out but he didn't out of confusion with his schedule. He was deeply sorry and wanted To make up it and gave me 5 free personal training sessions. He text me once referring to me as sugar foots. Today he asked me what did i have planned for the weekend. There was a time where i didnt want to leave my bag unattended and he said not to worry becuz if someone would even dare to touch it, he would have to fight. I chuckled and said aww! You're protective over me... i meant my belongings. He replied with a straight face and said Both.

We had another conversation about him being wacky....just joking since i was trying to get through the workout quickly. He said i think i can be sometimes. I responded and said if that is the case that i'm not going to train with you. He replied i will open my own gym so that you will.

I haven't never responded to any of these situations as i wasnt sure if he was just being nice and have a generous heart or if he is trying to let me know that he is interested in me. I am a single mom and desire a life partner. I see a few qualities that i do like about him. I am extremely physically attractive and sometime lust over him but i am trying my best not to lose focus with my fitness goal. I would love to get to date but am not sure what to do. Should i wait till i have reached my fitness goals, then show interest? That could well be in 6 months. Any advice on how to view and this situation or find out what his motives are?

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  • 12 years ago

    (40yr old trainer/bartender) You're reading more into it because you like him! Don't lose sight of the fact that a personal trainer is similar to that of a bartender, it's thier job to make you feel good! That's what keeps you coming back to them...you are thier income! Yes being flirty is par for the course. As far as what the other girl said...that was her claiming him to keep you away from him (which also caused you to judge his actions already) or she is feeling threatened by you in some way. She may be his" f" toy or wants him. BOTTOM LINE...IF HE'S INTERESTED IN TAKING YOU OUT, HE'LL ASK YOU! Until that happens, there's really nothing going on besides business with someone you think is cute. Asking someone questions about them is a huge clue that a person is interested, start asking and see how he responds. NEVER FORGET, MEN WANT WHAT THEY CANT HAVE AND THEY NEED TO CHASE!

  • 12 years ago

    Thank you so much for your response. It really helps. You are so so right.

  • 12 years ago

    hi (40 yr old bartender/ Personal Trainer)

    I have been asking questions and he seems interested in my buddhist practice. he knows I'm single and interested in meeting people. he hasn't asked me out so I take that he is not interested.

" Relationship is not just a word, It's perfect match between two souls, It's a silent commitment, Which says, I will be with ... " » Full Quote

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Love Poem - Take This Ring

Author: Xavier Johnson★★★
I used to ask myself what love is all about.
I only know that it's something I cannot be
without. I think of you when I wake and
before I sleep. Not having you to complete me
just makes me weak. I love everything about ...(Cont.)