should i wait for him?

13 years ago

were close friends since the day he started teasing me... i fell in love with him but too afraid to face the so confused ,,the way he teats me ,,, i felt exceptional happy when were together and now he knew my feelings towards hi and im still confused if what he felt about my confession because he is always smiling !!! should i wait until we finish our studies???

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  • 13 years ago

    if he into u all the time and he dont dates then i think u should wait for him a lil while but dont wait to long....

  • 13 years ago

    I understand you because I feel the same way like you he is my friend and I really love him but he love my friend couple months later he understand dat my friend love another guy and we have like 3 classes together soo we r really close and sometimes I feel he love mee but IDK if I have 2 belive wat I think because I dont want 2 cryy only because of him!!:( sooo I guess you should a lil while but dont wait 4 ever there r another guys dat r better den him:?

  • 13 years ago

    I understand you because I feel the same way like you he is my friend and I really love him but he love my friend couple months later he understand dat my friend love another guy and we have like 3 classes together soo we r really close and sometimes I feel he love mee but IDK if I have 2 belive wat I think because I dont want 2 cryy only because of him!!:( sooo I guess you should wait a lil while but dont wait 4 ever there r another guys dat r better den him:?

  • 13 years ago

    I think it's worth the wait. If he's always smiling becuase he know that you like him, that's a good thing. It'd be a good idea to figure out how he feels about you, though. Don't give up!

" i'm not afraid to die, but my fear is if i die, who will love YOU as much as i do? "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Love And Valentines Day

Author: Cheyenne★★★
your the one i love, forever and for always,
we will be together all of our days, i want
to wake up every morning to your sweet face
to.henry ...(Cont.)