Reveal my love n maybe be happy or stay quiet to be unhappy?

13 years ago

actually i love a boy named hurshit ...he is doing medecine abroad..i know his family pretty well n his mine...hurshit n i aren't too muchfriend bt we can exchange smile. i didn't reveal my feelings to hurshit before he went abroad as now am obese i wanted to loose weight before his arrival.... and secondly am afraid that he tells his family and i'll be wrongly judged n thirdly that i might loose him because he is more career oriented...and also i think that am not beautiful for him to love me...plz help me am in total sadness.....

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" i'm not afraid to die, but my fear is if i die, who will love YOU as much as i do? "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Missing You

Author: Harani★★★★
Its not ur mistake if u cant read d eyes
which cheats u.But its really ur mistake if u
cant read d eyes which loves yo