Pranking a best friend

13 years ago

Would if i pranked a best friend wich was my brothers friends brother, and i pretended to be someone else and i asked him out and he said yes the fake relationship has been going for two weeks until my brother told them and now they have mocked me what shell i do?

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  • 13 years ago


  • mel
    13 years ago

    ok cool it! was it a joke or do you really like him? If you asked him out because you liked him you shouldn't be embarrassed. think how many boys are too chicken to ask a girl out, and when a girl asks out a boy and are rejected they are practically humiliated. Hold you head up high and pretend you don't care and they will soon get bored of mocking you. Just remember boys are morons and are far too scared to ask out a girl. They in truth are complete babies!

" When I look into your eyes, brown like the chocolate you love, my soul suddenly cries, knowing I will feel no love. Then ... " » Full Quote

- John Doe» Love Quotes

Love Poem - I Wish I Was There

Author: Jake Rhea★★★★
The emptiness I feel comes from not hearing
your voice
The life that swirls around me now is just
blank noise
Some people act as if in my leaving I had a ...(Cont.)