One sided love

11 years ago

I love a girl in my neighbourhood & I know her since my Childhood. But she doesnt seem to be interested in me. Also whenever I try to talk to her She ignores me. What should I do?

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  • 11 years ago

    you should try to make her fell special and try to make her fell she dose not want to ignore you

  • 11 years ago

    dude if she keeps ignoring you when your trying to talk to her then no offense but shes not worth it im not saying she has to like you that way but im just saying if she is somewhat nice or was nice then she wouldent be ignoring you anway what i would do is i would try and just move on and get over her because from the way your saying it if shes ignoring you she doesnt seem worth it your time and you can always find someone better

  • 11 years ago

    first of all jst ask urslf r u right guy for her???????????jab tak dil se yes na nikle tab tak aapne good qualities ko improve karo............ek din andar se tumhe kud lagega ha i m the right guy..................jst luv is nothing............u have 2 believe in it........for 2days genration there r only 1 option (agar ignore kar rahi, toh move on).but this is really an option..........for this stand infront in the mirror nd ask urslf why she is ignoring me?answer aapka heart turant moving on is not an option...................jst become a guy( jise koi kohna nahi chata)...... buddy jst keep on trying................some tyms girls r nt ready for what u r trying 2 imply on her..............just give it more tym.......................nd use that tym 2 make urslf special for her, try 2 know her, don't go nd directly ask her, get 2 know her through her frnds........this will give u the advantage.try 2 know what she likes.nd most important be urslf...........don't try change urslf...................nd jst believe in ur relationship....... so bst of luck...........nd all the wishes for the future

  • 11 years ago

    just give it some time and she will come to talk to u eventulally

  • 9 years ago

    We two are chatting each other as friend only he is chatting with me but I am chatting as a lover he is not responding me

  • 9 years ago

    I love him but he is saying that we two are just friends what to do .did he love me.he will say me to do what he like but did I say I love u means he will say we two are just friends .

" True love stories never have endings. "

- Richard Bach» Love Quotes

Love Poem - The Duke's Daugther

Author: Vincent Neil Gonzales★★★★
The Duke’s Daughter
Monday morning at the castle I arrive
Homeless, and deprive
The only family I have was a white Pekin
A duck I named Ken. ...(Cont.)