hello friends i m writing a love story and i wrote its first part and expected ur opinion on it if u

12 years ago

What an awesome morning it was...I woke up from a beautiful dream but I m still unable to understand it. I dreamt of something that would not go to happen according to me. But sometimes fate has written something else for us than what we have planned. I always heard that whatever God do, do for our best. But I still thoughtful, Does it always for our best? Anyways the actual story starts after a very long time passed after that dream...I have almost forgotten that dream....for me it was also like other dream....which don’t have any link with our reality.....but I have never thought that that dream will become the biggest reality of my life. I m Sanaya, a girl with bubbly face but have very serious and mature attitude. My life is perfect before that day or I would say it’s on its best. My family member loves me a lot and I too love them and respect the customs and traditions of our culture. I never found a single topic for that my decision varies from my family. In short I can say we think alike. But everything changes from that day they wants me to join such a course which in not meant for me according to my belief at that moment of my life. After a huge talk I decided to join that for sake of family happiness and peace. On the first day, it was much boring than I expected, I thought of run from there, but I could not do that. Anyways, after a little struggle I got adjusted into the situation and settles out the life which gets completely ruined after the entrance of that person. The first time I saw him, he was just like the other persons who came to ask for a help. Actually he was a family friend and joined the same course that I did. But he got a late admission so he was short by notes and came to collect them. {Oh God..!! It’s really messy. I don’t realize this point at that time but now it’s very clear that defiantly there is something supernatural between both of us because whenever we met something good or bad happens whose reason I am still searching.} On that day too I got an injury in my hand as I slip from stairs. Anyways he came and I provide him the notes after a humble gesture. Yet, he was a family friend but I met him for the first time. {It’s a long distance relationship that I am not going to explain here.} The life begins with a normal routine and I made new friends those make me comfortable with atmosphere and I starts believing that this was not as bad as I m thinking. Hmm.....that guy he was also good I don’t had much interaction with him during that period but I can surly say that he was not bad. We talked a lot of times but just about studies, books and notes. I don’t know whether it was true or not but my friends belief that he develops interest in me and that was the reason that he always tries to find an excuse to talk me and he finds that in books. But does it really that?? I can’t say something with surety but yes sometimes he made me confuse from his behaviour which made me think that my friends was right.

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  • 9 years ago

    its okay maybe theres a man who realy loves you! dont think about that its just a love!! dahhhh!!!!

" How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - I Love You Lots&lots Like Jelly Tots

Author: Erica★★
I love you lots and lots make the sound of
jelly tots , make them mine or make them
yours ,make them take the appletrots. We had
our blast till the very end we make it tend
and spent the tent . Had our spots with the ...(Cont.)