My ex is confusing me.

12 years ago

My ex and I broke up around 3 months ago. We had only dated for a month and 5 days. He still contacted me for about a week or two after we had split. I started talking to another guy and as soon as my ex had found out he didn't like it. He called saying "Well it shows how much you care." & "You're mine." He still threatens guys I date or talk to and he still acts very protective. I also noticed he stares a lot. Why would he do this if he's the one who ended it? I'm so confused.

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  • 12 years ago

    He's not confident enough. He doesn't really know what he wants, so it's him sending mixed signals. Don't worry and hope he feels better and stops staring and stuff.

    Go on with your life! Live it and enjoy it!

  • 12 years ago

    He stil lvs u jst that he realised later,u wil never knw wat u hv until is gone

  • 12 years ago

    Well Im in the same boat and i have the same problom and im about to trying to see a relationship counslor to see if can solve the problom with my ex so i can go on my journey with someone new..

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