lyf is lyk a puzzle

13 years ago

hi dis is preeti i wanna tell u d story dat happend to me 6 months back one day through mutual frnds i met a guy at the temple, and then the story started here. he use to call me and talk vth me 4rm the next day where i assumed him as a frnd because previously i donno the specefic meaning of love and he says that he likes me
one day our mutual frnd got married and dat day i asked him whether he wanna marry me r not? he just answered dat he likes me alot but previously he got engagement vth a girl and later due to some issues his parents broke up d engagemant . and dat girl stated dat she vl marry him only dont want to marry someone. after dis answer he asked me whts d relation between us and to dat i said we are just frnds and i use to maintain d same thing vth him
days are passing on and one day i celebrated his birthday vth surprise he was so embrassed and kissed me and said dat he cant say dat he vl marry me bt he wanna be vth me dat words impressed me alot and started loving him. he knows dat i love him n he lyks me alot
again here is the twist i.e two of my frnds and one from my office colleague propopsed me in a span of two months and waited 4 my reply dat day i got a question y my loved one is not understanding me ? while surrrounding people loves me alot and my frnds tried to insist me to leave and avoid my loved. i taught i was pessimist and continued to love him and talked vth him as usaual
after some days d issues soorunding me n my frnds impact made me to burst into tears all of sudden before him and asked y he doesnt love me? he said dat 90% chances are der to marry the girl vth whom his engagement was done and gave me two options one is to b vth him lyk dis and other thing is to wind up the relation at dis moment
to this stupid options i just gave a reply dat i never give up anything and i vl stick up to and hope 4 those 10% availability and den um started to talk vth him normally tried to avoid the long conversation
still um in a state dat i cant leave him and go vth another much better guy now my question is i cant avoid him and i cant understand whts problem vth me so guys try to give gud suggestion as um getting frustated vth dis issue and sometimes dis issue makes me to think to quit life so i need ur valuable suggestion

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" How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - I Love You Lots&lots Like Jelly Tots

Author: Erica★★
I love you lots and lots make the sound of
jelly tots , make them mine or make them
yours ,make them take the appletrots. We had
our blast till the very end we make it tend
and spent the tent . Had our spots with the ...(Cont.)