love problem

12 years ago

i had been love a man more than six years but i still never propose to him.............. i think want to propose to him but im not brave to do that.............. i really love him but he just been fren with with..... i feel guilty to talk with him as a fren because i really love him truly............. What should i do................?

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  • Ek
    12 years ago

    Tell him how u feel. U don't have to tell him but u write him a note

  • 12 years ago

    even i am in this same confusion. i had a boyfriend . i broke up. i know this man for last six years. we are very good friends. he speaks to me almost regularly. but i cannot tell him . he is a very good friend of mine and i cannot lose him. the fear of losing a best friend is not letting me extend my friendship into love. what should i do?

" love is a sweet melody sung by two "

- sir summany» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Sisterly Love

Author: Savannah★★★
Sisterly love,
Sisterly love isn't just any love
A speicial kind of love it's when
u ...(Cont.)