its been so long when we see each other. i dont know but i still love him but i dont know if he does also.i want him back not only him but also those laughs and moments of us. i just want to ask if what should i do? i'll make the move first for us to be friends again or to meet each other again or just wait for the time for us to see each other again?
12 years ago
I guess you must make the move be friends again, people change time to time, if you feel he is still the same person whom u loved before, then u r in luck! :)
But if u feel he is all changed, dont waste time! in changing him, or u wil b loosing the right one ....!
Good luck!
Pav -
12 years ago
Everyone changes in time. But if he is still the one you loved before, well honey, your in luck! Be nice to him. Love needs patience, so once you feel you can trust him talk to him about your feelings. Hope I was of help :P
12 years ago
girl if you wait for too long someone is going to take him its either you go or someone takes him tell him what you feel in your heart about him.
12 years ago
my partner name is kriti and i like his very very but she has already boyefriend and he;s name riteish now what i do i always think that she love me but not at all
12 years ago
anna, i think u shud make the first move, try having a friendly chat. All the best!!
" If you're angry , kick me! If you hate me, throw some plates to me! And if you're tired... I will love you forever. " » Full Quote
- Wilfredo Del Rio III» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Love Is A Feelings
Author: Stephen★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
love feels good you cant take it all at onece. lots of people wil love you. some people sweet talk for love some just be nice. you should share,love,care alot for some one alot.have fun loving till death and after ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |