Im in love with my Bestfriend

12 years ago

I told my bestfriend that i was in love with him. He never told me back, it hurts to watch him with other people, girl in particular. I feel in my heart that he has feeling for me, but he just taking to long to express them and im tired of waiting. everyone around us can see that we are meant to be togather, they alwasys telling me that he is my husband, but why cant he see that? someone please tell me what to do!

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" Nothing hurts more than realizing he meant everything to you and you meant nothing to him "

- Ishika Singh» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My Own Universe

Author: Joyous★★★
Always I dreamt...for the universe I dreamt
The sun, da moon shall I gain dem soon?
I wished da stars cud be mine...den wud I
I prayed da gr8 lord ...(Cont.)