i want my love back

13 years ago

i want my love back
hi m yuvi and m living 1 girl frm 1year nad she also like me...we always use to meet and roaming together on my vacation and we had great tym each other and now m back to work (other country).. form onwards my love hv a twist dt my gf s not ready to convince her parents abt our marriage and i told her i ll come dr nd i request ur parents bt she she very scary and always thinking negative way..she use to think dt her she cant achieve anything in her lyf..she s jst 23 nd i always telling dt u r still young nf hv lot of tym s dr to achieve..i convince many tym but she wouldn't think positive.. now she s saying dt u forget nd marry sum other girl bt i love her lots nd she use to do same....friend tel me whate can i do????????

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  • 13 years ago

    I thnk u gve her sum tym i thnk dat itx good to take her sum place n talk her wid very politely i thnk she would be urx dud....

  • 13 years ago

    wake up cnt u clearly see dat shes ignoring you....she got sm1 else or shes lost interst in u due 2 long distance relation
    mark my words she"l neva cum back sorry 2 say dat bt dis is wt i hav seen related 2 same situation...

" If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever. "

- Alfred Lord Tennyson» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Missing You

Author: Harani★★★★
Its not ur mistake if u cant read d eyes
which cheats u.But its really ur mistake if u
cant read d eyes which loves yo