How can i make my crush love me?

13 years ago

i love him i told him i love him but he called me ugly,my friend likes him too,but he kept asking him out not for me but for her,and he said NO,he said hes not ready to be in a realtionship

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  • 13 years ago

    Hey girl I know how you feel. I am the same way but if you try to get to know him better and show him that you are ok, he'll like you just the way you are. If he doesn't like you like that it's not meant to be. Also, since he called you ugly he probably likes you back but is embarrassed to tell you. Most boys make fun of you if they have a crush on you. I hope this advice helps, good luck! ;)

  • 13 years ago

    heyy dnt worry m sure u r beautiful all of us our beautiful in our own way
    u cnt force nybdy 2 luv u,,nd hw dare hecall u ugly fuck him off
    he dsnt deserve you baby
    ur luv is sm1 else hes jst an attraction

" Love is a thing we like to say, but really i want to save it for the special day , love is something everything you need, ... " » Full Quote

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Author: Jake Rhea★★★★
The emptiness I feel comes from not hearing
your voice
The life that swirls around me now is just
blank noise
Some people act as if in my leaving I had a ...(Cont.)