I asked my crush out and he sayd i was alright but he barely knew me.... he sayd yes but 10 mins later he txted me i dont really wanna go out with you anymore..... now i cant stop thinking aabout him.... how do i get him to talk to me or like me
13 years ago
be his best friend....let him feel that u luv him and to u it realy doesn matter weather he luvs u bak or not!! try to win his heart....and be close to him....so that nobody else can entr betwee u guys!!
13 years ago
love u salmanfaris
13 years ago
love u salmanfaris
plz dont care whtever behaveiour he shows 2 u bt u always b happy n support him as a true frend.
13 years ago
ohhhhhhhhhhh this is very odd.
But yeah simple formula, pretend to flirt with another guy, he will automatically come 2 u !!!!!!!!
he will be back like a dog, believe me !!!
it has worked for me many times !
All d best -
13 years ago
You can't make.
Someone to like you and he probably rejected you because he doesn't like you -
13 years ago
You can't force anyone to like you, the person who actually likes u wouldnt say ur alrite he would say your beautiful.
13 years ago
i asked a guy and he rejected me..............how can i get him to like me
13 years ago
Well he isnt good enough for you then, any future relationship should be built on love, care respect and loyalty dumping you 10minutes later or saying you are 'alright' is not any of the above. forget about him he's not worth the effort. Trust me you cant make someone love you and even if you go out again it is just on the off chance he will learn to love you as you do him. I'm sorry
" she is not my past to forget she is not my memory to remember she is not my future to hope for but she is my present to ... " » Full Quote
- kiran jakkula » Love Quotes
Love Poem - Sex
Author: Cc lajuette★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
he says that he loves you you say it to. he pulls down his pants and yours to.he knows that you love him but he still dose it to. 9 months later you plow up and next thing you no he caught a truck.and that should tell you ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |