Well i was going with a boy , he used to cheat on me, and i forgave him because i thought he will change. But he didn't . At our school party, he told me he didn't want to come , i said i will come and he said he will come for me, when he came he didn't let me know, till i called him and he joined me. He was with me but his mind was far. He was texting . He told he won't stay with me longime because someone is waiting for him at home. I said ok. he wasn't going. Then he told me he's going to call a guy friend to come join us. I said he can, then he said he is coming right now. I waited for him like 20mins he wasn"t coming. A friend of mine saw me and asked why i was all alone , i explained and she said she just saw him with a girl. I was sad but i've seemed fine. Then we decided to go walk and we found out they were going to take a drink. He called me asking me to come with that other girl, i said i'm good. Then he came to me and i told him it was over with out explanation. He stayed there like 5 mins, he didn't move and he was calling me and i didn't answer. Then he went join the other girl and his friends. And after it , he didn't call me. This happened yesterday and till now he didn't call me. I'm wondering if i should call him asking him why he was calling me or i should wait and see? It's not his first time to hurt me even thought he tells me he really loves and care about me. I'm so confused right now. At a party too, he didn't pay attention to me. He went to take pictures with that same girl and let me there... I really love him even thought i don't show him alot it..I'm so sad..I need help Please
12 years ago
Mina, thats a lot of writing and very well described i must say!. Mina seriously that guy is not realizing how much he is lucky to be with you.He looks like dumb-head. (sorry). If you really love him and if u believe he is a good person to be with, then you must be strong and give him time to realize wt u worth in his life....this can be done only if u stop answering his calls...n keep him at bay for atleast few days.....show him u are not a girl to play with...dont be desperate. "Being/showing desperate is a biggest weakness in love"......If he realizes your importance in his life, while u are gone....then he will be back with you in no time and better then ever....but if he does not come back....dont worry abt loosing him....because HE IS JUST NOT WORTHY TO BE WITH YOU...... as of now dont respond much to him n be reserved...show him u r someone who DESERVE HONESTY AND COMMITMENT RATHER THAN TO PLAY WITH!.....good luck.. "BE STRONG- LOVE THE WORTHY"
12 years ago
Thanks a lot Pav , but how many day should i take by example? And yesterday he texted me but i didn"t reply till now. He didn't text me either after it.. I love him and i want to take some day before replying him as you said, but i'm scared if One week later i tell him i want him back and he tells me his feelings changed... :/
12 years ago
Mina..its unfortunate,if he does not understand how much you love him.You can reply him (if u are too scared,u don't have to wait too long) but again, do realize that, he might take you for granted, he might think u will b with him no matter he hurts you. .....Mina r u planning to be with SOMEONE WHO WOULD CHANGE HIS FEELING FOR YOU IN A WEEK??? Think again!! ...don't hurt yourself...if he is involved or trying to get involved with any other girl (as you said). (1) He knows u like/love him but he thinks u r always there no matter what he does. (2) you might love him ..but he might like/love some other girl ...so u must b prepared to let him go.... REMEMBER ONE THING MINA, THE PERSON WHO LOVES U WILL ALWAYS STAY WITH YOU.(other people just come n go)you said u forgave him though he cheated on you. dont taint ur innocent love on someone who hurts u for no reason, instead save it for a better person :).Good Luck...
12 years ago
Pav, i feel so good everytime you reply me because it helps me to think more and not to go into mistakes. In his message he sent me last time, he tried to explain himself saying that girl followed him and stuff..He said if he knew that girl was there , he wouldn't come because he tried to avoid this situation, he said too in his message that he didn't do it on purpose so he won't ask me to forgive him and abuse of my fragility. That he didn't do it for us to break up but he is responsible of his actions. That as my decision is taken and that i can't take him no more, he wishes me all the happiness that i wished for him and me and that he didn't give me.He said he really doesn"t want me to ignore him or to change to him because he won't. he put at the end " I'm sorry , I love you, bye " i dunno , is that mean he wants me back or it's a goodbye?
12 years ago
Mina,i had too read ur reply abt 3times to understand the situation, as far as i understand, he confessed he was responsible for his actions right? but he is ok to let you go? if he loves you and he is still prepared to let u go...then i guess he is confused to choose - who he want to be with. Mina u have done enough, given enough love, enough forgiveness and enough time in ur life to make him be with you. There only somuch a person can do. You really cant control his thoughts n decisions right? no one can actually! so, just be calm n give time to him n to urself. (i dont mean that during this time u keep thinking of him or u keep expecting things to change...) You must concentrate on other imp things like ur career n family n have fun with friends..avoid the places where u could see/meet him. You really need this time for urself. If he truly belongs to you, he will certainly come to you no doubt! ..... but plz stop wasting time wondering wt will happen. I understand its gonna be ve
12 years ago
cont.... I understand its gonna be very very hard and he seems to be a good person i hat break ups...sometimes its good to take time off for yourself ... substitute ur "love thoughts" with movies or reading or family ....the best advice is try watching sit coms ...like "friends" or " how i met ur mother" they will help u a lot. as for ur question Mina, it means he loves u but not enough to realize how much u are important in his life.... so let him take time n realize that. if does not realize then he was never the right person. Mina "Try to be with some one who loves you...more than u do" . you will be happy always. ......now..take of ur LOVE SHOES off and put on some good brand shoes n go shopping or movie..... LIVE ur LIFE Mina ..u deserve it. tc
12 years ago
Aww :'), you gave me smile back Pav, i think my problem is that i think any other boys could be like him and i guess i'm really doing mistakes. Well today , i was so depressed that i texted him wishing him " Happy Holidays " . He replied " Thanks My beauty, same to you " , i said " Thanks" and " He asked me some news from school , i told him and he said " Thanks " after it i didn't text him no more.. Then after 2hours he texted me saying " Cutie, Enjoy your meal , i've just done eating and i'm on bed " i didnt replied him till now. His friend asked me not to write him because he will think it's really easy to have me and that i'm weak in love and he will play me. So i didn't but i asked his friend to ask him if he feels something for me and he did he copied n pasted the message to me. My ex bf said : <<" Dude, you know i love Mina so much , she's beautiful and she is very brave, she got many things i like, but the proble
12 years ago
My ex bf said : <<" Dude, you know i love Mina so much , she's beautiful and she is very brave, she got many things i like, but the problem is that she doesn't want to understand me face to some situation, i ask her to be patient but she can't ">>...The situation is talking about is that he didn't really break up with the girl he cheated on me with, he told me i'm the one he really loves.. so i asked him to break up with her if im the one he really loves, so he told me he cannot just dump her without reasons and suddenly...i accepted to be with him after all that because i love him...
12 years ago
But now i wanna ignore him but i'm too scared of how he will re-act , i mean i don't really want him to let me without texting me... I mean , isn't there another way to make him realize i'm important to him by texting him? His friend told me that boys are all same , that boys will always cheat on girls , that if i don't believe , i can go out with another boy to see how it is...
12 years ago
Mina..... u must focus on ur career.. n family. Instead of wondering whether all the boys /girls cheat?....You might be happy if u give time. Time is a best solution for your problem, in time everything will be alright..But for now.. try to focus on ur career. Its up to you, if u wanna cherish your love. i guess you might get a better advice from your friends... All the best.
12 years ago
Thanks a lot Pav, i'll try my best to give him time till friday and see...Thanks a lot :) , kisses
12 years ago
im feel so bad for u but youl find the right guy some day nd i hope u feel better dont fALL FOR HIM HE DONT DESERVE U CHEER UP ND FIND YOUR PRINCE CHARMING
12 years ago
Omg Azaira , Thanks alot :), i'm trying to be happy with out him even it's hard , i'm trying hard. I wish you happiness too :)
12 years ago
dat means he wants u plus want to flirt other girls.......my dear u dnt want a guy lik dat so keep dis guy lil away right nw till he realizes ur true love
12 years ago
Thanks alot :) , well him and me are back together because he started texting me saying his life is empty with out me and stuff but i'm scared about if i made a mistake
" love is something which we see through our eyes immensely. "
- Anonymous» Love Quotes
Love Poem - The Duke's Daugther
Author: Vincent Neil Gonzales★★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
The Duke’s Daughter Monday morning at the castle I arrive Homeless, and deprive The only family I have was a white Pekin A duck I named Ken. ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |